Tuesday 7 September 2021

Flash Single Review: Catch Me If You Can - Lah-Lah

As a music teacher and musician I have always admired Lah-Lah's commitment to educating children about the joys of live music making. Bearing this in mind, a notification for their latest single just popped into my Insta feed so I thought it was about time I further investigated this band and their impressive back catalogue. The latest track "Follow Me" is great fun, but it was the earlier single "Catch Me If You Can" that really caught my attention. It certainly is an appropriate title considering how catchy the tune is.

The song lays down the gauntlet right from the start beginning with an almost declarative outburst of the chorus, before the verse really kicks in with some verve. Here a lively keyboard fuses with a bass line that pays homage to Peter Hook. The song is upbeat and intoxicating and really captures the attention of the listener with its steady hypnotic vibe.  Here electronica fuses with pop opera where Kate Bush teams up with Sarah Brightman and employ New Order to come up with a backing track.

There's an interesting diversion during the middle eight, where a staccato keyboard breaks up the rhythm pattern, providing temporary respite, before we return to the groove with some vengeance. Additional instrumentation is included towards the end to further build the intensity, before everything is eventually stripped out, to finish as we began. Poetic justice, or simply an interesting arrangement, I'll let you be the judge of that.

This is a truly great song, and is one of many classic tracks that Lah-Lah's Big Live Band have been involved in over the years. It is punchy, melodic and easy to dance to. The vocals are bright and piercing, and lead the song in fine style. Lah-Lah truly is one of Australia's finest exports, with their growing reputation now reaching across the globe. You really need to check out the band's back catalogue, there are plenty more where this one came from.

Lah-Lah - songs to learn and sing.

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