Electric Kids Music
My musings on the family music scene.
Saturday, 11 January 2025
Artist Spotlight: Chef Bisous
Sunday, 17 November 2024
Is YouTube Harmful to Children?
At the risk of sounding like a dinosaur, today I'm pondering two significant questions. Firstly "is YouTube in any way harmful to children?" and secondly "does Albo have a point?" The mere fact that the Australian government is currently including YouTube in the proposed social media ban, has made many musicians stop and think. As a content creator myself, and having been uploading videos on YouTube since 2008 I, like many other musicians have skin in the game, and stand to lose out if the plan goes ahead.
Despite this inconvenient truth, I personally feel the need to research what is behind the government's decision based on objective facts. Facts, not from what is currently available in the partisan press; but from well-researched, peer-reviewed academic studies. The type of studies that no doubt a Prime Minister such as Anthony Albanese will have readily available. If there is any credence to YouTube being included in the ban, then I want to see the receipts, and not be swayed by all the emotionally charged rhetoric I've been reading online.
I read amongst these discussions the use of pejorative terms like "nanny state" and even quotes cited from dubious politicians pursuing their own agenda. Surely one of the major responsibilities of any upstanding government is to protect the vulnerable, and if there is any evidence that You Tube poses harm to children then they are duty bound to act.
I say to the content creators who are concerned about loss of income, perhaps it's time that Google/YouTube started paying us directly for our content, instead of dishing out advertising revenue ad infinitum. In my opinion, encouraging content creators to focus on numbers to make a living has created a platform that is rapidly declining in both quality and originality.
There is an awful lot of repetition of so-called trending content which has too often got nothing to do with art and very little to do with education. Although production qualities have significantly improved over the years, in my experience quality control over what is deemed as educational appears to be sadly lacking.
Perhaps the musicians who create music videos for educational purposes would be better served going outside YouTube (like a certain Australian duo featuring a tiger have done) to provide their educational content independent of the constraints of the almighty YouTube algorithm. Or better still, maybe consider a career in the teaching profession. There are schools the world over crying out for educators. Trust me, and I speak with some authority on this, having been a state school teacher for over twenty years, you will find it to be the most rewarding career you could ever choose.
So I'm off to do my own research, and for those playing along, I'll let you know what I discover in due course. If my research definitively proves that YouTube is in no way harmful to children, then I can assure you, I will be as relieved as everyone else.
Thursday, 31 October 2024
Artist Spotlight: Robin Nathan aka fleaBITE
The new album Piggy Oink Oink (yes that's right), features ten original songs which draw from a variety of influences including rock, techno and reggae to name just a few. With sound effects galore and some inspired musicality throughout, fleaBITE take no prisoners here with themes as diverse as animals, swimming, the weather, colours and even shampoo. A real standout track for me is "Colour Me" with its ambient vibe and magnificent choral infusion. The melody is quite superb, and the song works because of its minimalist arrangement and crystal clear vocals that captivate and delight in turn. Marvellous!
All in all an extraordinary artist whose growing reputation I am sure will lead her from strength to strength.
fleaBITE - a creative powerhouse.
Monday, 30 September 2024
What's in a Name?
The Swedish composer Bjorn Ulvaeus once admitted in an interview that he never cared much for ABBA as a name. When pressed further, he suggested that Roxy Music, The Rolling Stones or Depeche Mode were more serious contenders. Whether you agree with him or not regarding his name preferences, I'm sure we'd all agree that having a great band name can do wonders for your music career. For me, names such as the Jesus and Mary Chain, the Ramones or the Smiths immediately come to mind.
Saturday, 31 August 2024
Artist Spotlight: Kath Bee
Kath Bee is a New Zealand based artist who has been performing to families across her homeland for over seventeen years. She began writing songs for children back in 2001, and her extraordinary back catalogue now includes over one hundred original songs. She is also increasingly active on YouTube, amassing over a million views to date, no mean feat in such a crowded space.
The artist has released eight albums to date, each featuring the type of critical content that both engages children and informs parents. This includes the album, Children: Our Voices IntertwinedD, where the children took centre stage singing on each track, an idea which originated from the emotional impact of the Covid pandemic.
Her latest album, Simple Action Songs for Babies to 2yrs for Learning & Fun, is aimed squarely at the youngest listeners. It is a short, sweet album covering everything an early childhood educator would require for a music program. Clocking in at just over nine minutes, the album provides a fresh approach to some classic early childhood music themes, and does so in fine style. I have no doubt this album will soon become an absolute must for parents and teachers of infants alike.
The album features a lively series of interactive, action songs bookended by two catchy greetings songs providing a perfect way to start and finish the day. The vocals are as clear as crystal, and are supported by simple arrangements, providing the kind of pop sensibility that renders them perfect for a very young audience.
You can hear how the artist's expertise as an early childhood performer really shines through each track, leaving the listener confident in the fact that you are in more than capable hands. There is an immediacy to each song, providing a certain familiarity in the music even on the first listen. The album takes the listener on something of a musical journey, where movement is the key ingredient. This includes all motor movements, such as clapping, walking, tiptoeing, stomping, jumping and spinning.
The album succeeds in providing a complete toddler workout for every young child, whether they are at home with a carer, or with an early childhood educator running a music class. There is also plenty to dance to here for both carers and their little ones. The album is short and sweet, and finally draws to a close with a sit down track, quickly followed by a soothing lullaby to calm things down.
The album really has it all, it is highly interactive, beautifully sung, and engages the audience throughout, with songs that serve as playful commands to action. The album features live instrumentation including some of the finest double bass playing you're ever likely to hear. Both highly interactive and engaging the album opens up new possibilities, where every song has a purpose that is executed brilliantly throughout. Enough said!
Kath Bee - inspiring young minds.
Wednesday, 31 July 2024
EKM - Top 20 Kindie Band Names
The world of kindie music is exciting and diverse with a wide range of music styles and creativity on display. This also extends to the band names chosen by the various artists. Here, in no particular order, is a list of my absolute favourite band names. If you haven't done so already, I urge you to check these artists out at your earliest convenience.
- The Relative Minors
- Alphabet Rockers
- The Mudcakes
- Bounce Patrol
- Tiptoe Giants
- Itty Bitty Beats
- Teeny Tiny Stevies
- Kids Imagine Nation
- The Zing Zangs
- Andy and the Odd Socks
- Little Feet Music
- Recess Monkey
- Spotty Kites
- Spikey and Friends
- The Quokkas
- The Little Wattle Bird Band
- The Cuddly Koalas
- The Vegetable Plot
- The Not-Its!
- Brady Rymer and The Little Band That Could
Sunday, 30 June 2024
Whistle & Trick Live at Ron Hurley Theatre, Brisbane